Art in action - studio class



Group classes, maximum eight in a group, are held on Tuesday and Friday mornings. 

10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

They are run in 5-week "blocks" with a week's break between blocks plus main seasonal holidays.

Attendance can be by day, pay as-you-go, but it is more economical to book and pay for a "block" in advance (by end of first session of that block.) Contact me for current rates.

For all levels, from experienced or art-college trained to enthusiastic "hobby" artists. Beginners are welcome.

Tuition. Roger specialises in helping painters develop their own individual personal painting and artistic styles and approaches. 

Themes. Set your own projects, or, for those that would like some guidance, themes are set for each "block" for you to pursue how you choose. Feedback and guidance is offered, and is on hand, at all stages of your project/paintings. 

Demonstrations of techniques are available, and sometimes introduce a theme. 

Resources. Roger has wide range of books on artists, movements, and manuals, and original handouts. He specialises in all aspects of colour and colour mixing, in composition, and in interpretation of motifs (subjects.)
